Since 2014, One to One Customer Experience has been bringing together :
- Marketing and digital decision-makers: the "guests",
- The best solution providers for any investment project: the "partners".
Over 3 days in Biarritz, CEOs, CMOs and Directors of marketing, innovation, data, customer experience, etc. optimise the sourcing of solutions for their projects and challenge their strategies thanks to qualified & pre-programmed One to One meetings, a programme of business-focused conferences and workshops and networking opportunities between peers.

The concept
More than 20 years ago, Comexposium One to One created the One to One event format. Today, it encompasses 8 events organised all year round: all are ROI focused with an overall satisfaction above 97%

3-days at a glance
Across the 3-day event, buyers in Marketing, Lead Generation, Data / AI and Brand Content "our guest" - and solutions providers - our partners - come together to challenge their strategies during highly qualified One to One meetings, networking moments, business-focused conferences and keynotes solution-based case studies.

Are you a decision-maker ?
Are you a CMO, CDO, Director / Head of Marketing, Digital, Customer Experience, Loyalty, Data...? Do you have an investment project to come in Acquisition, Brand Content, Data / IA or Customer Marketing? Are you looking for the best solutions to achieve your marketing objectives?

Are you a supplier?
Do you offer business solutions in Lead Generation, Customer Marketing, Data / AI or Brand Content? Meet industry leaders from main advertisers and showcase your solutions to qualified leads interested in your solution.
A complete offer covering brands' business needs
More than 110 "Partners", solution providers selected each year for the quality of their offer and their response to the challenges faced by CMOs and marketing leaders
Key Figures
One to One meetings
CMOs and decision makers
Partners solution providers
conferences, keynotes and workshops
Experience the 10th edition (again)!

Be Invited
Would you like to meet leading marketing professionals and generate highly-qualified leads?
Be Invited

Exhibit - Become a Partner
Would you like to meet leading marketing professionals and generate highly-qualified leads?
Become a Partner